I am sorry, but I don't understand polish so I have to tried to translate a bit with google translater and I see that this thread is about picture of a G10 Charade. Right?
I also see anything about a temperature problem. What up with that? The G10 has 2 different temperature sensors one is on the intake side (back side) of the engine and this is for showing you the water temerature on the tacho and the other one is near the distributor. If this last one at the distributor is NOT connected or bad the cooling fan does'nt start and the temperature is going up.
Would you like to send me also picture from you G10? You can send it to:
admin@charade-g10.net (yes,
www.charade-g10.net) and if you like I can put the pictures up to our webspace (if you like it).
Warm regards